Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rookie Mistake

Silvia's family flew in from Brazil on September 6th in hopes that they could be part of the birth process.  The baby's due date was September 10th, and now its the 20th almost the 21st and still no baby.  I feel bad because they are were hoping to spend most of their time with the baby.  Instead they fly out the following week on the 28th.  If the baby was born tomorrow that would only give them 7 days with the baby.  We thought it would be nice to have them here for the birth.  It never crossed our minds that she would be 10+ days late.  Next time we'll have them fly out two weeks after the due date.  Rookie Mistake.
In the mean time we have been relaxing by the pool and taking them on walks around Santa Cruz. On Sunday we walked along West Cliff Drive to Natural Bridges' tide pools. We saw a bunch of whales spouting water and then flipping their tales up in the air as they dove down.
   We saw a couple pods of dolphins circling around schools of fish while pelican divebombed all around them from above.  And of course we saw the usual suspects: seals and sea otters joining the fun.
 We took them to the redwoods and strolled along the giants.
Fortunately Santa Cruz is a beautiful place
to be when waiting.

1 comment:

Angie Ora said...

I'm glad there has been a distraction for Silvia! I think I would go CRAZY otherwise!! We are thinking of you and hoping that something happens soon!! Lots of love.