Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I'm Pregnant! I just got through my first trimester. I am 14 weeks and 4 days now. Justin and I are so happy that it finally happened. What a great miracle! We have been trying for over two years, and we were trying everything. We started with acupuncture, body basal temperature charting, ovulation tests, better dieting. After a year of this we ran some tests on Justin and we went to our obgyn and started a round of Clomid. Still nothing. After some tests were done it was found that there was some scar tissue blocking the cervix. I did a minor surgery to clear the scar tissue. We went back to the clomid, acupucture, body basal temperature charting, ovulating tests and still no results. It is so hard every month waiting and hoping to see if your pregnant only to be disappointed time and time again.

Since it seemed like nothing was working, I told Justin "That was it. I am done. I just want to relax, breath and not stress about it anymore." So the next day I called my obgyn and told her that I was done with the clomid, and thatI was taking a break from everything. She agreed with me, but she referred Justin and I to a specialist.

So Justin and I went to see our specialist, and our jaws hit the floor when we heard the prices. For 15,000 we would have a 40% chance of getting pregnant. We decided to go for it. We set an appointment two weeks later for Justin.

The night before we went in for Justin's appointment I took a pregnancy test because I was two days late. For the first time it was positive. When I saw that it was positive, I couldn't believe it. My brother in law was just walking by my room and he heard me talking to my self saying "Is this for real? I can't believe it. Noooo could this really be true?"

We ended up still going in for Justin's appointment. As he was getting his blood drawn we found out that his test was going to cost over $1,000. We told the nurse about the home pregnancy test and so they canceled Justin's tests and took my blood, to confirmed that I was pregnant.

Anyways, I was able to get through my first trimester. It was a little tough. I felt sickness hear and there, but only puked once. I was feeling super tired, a little grumpy, and very emotional at times. I also had a hard time with certain foods, and their smells. I just finally started to feel better. Now I am back to my normal routine of working out, eating better and being in a better mood.

We are just so happy with out little peanut now and so excited to meet he/or she in a few months.


Julia Lolita said...


Nead Family said...

yeeaahhhh! congrats!!!! wow, what a journey you two have been on! you'll be awesome parents! that is great news!

Unknown said...

Parabens Tia Sil. Voce ja era a melhor Mae que eu conheco antes mesmo de engravidar.

Hansons said...

Congratulations! We are so happy for you! Whatever the sex is, I'm sure Justin will have he/she surfing in the first 6 months! We love you guys are are excited!

Rebeca Price said...

oh Silvia, parabeeeennnsss!!!
menina, a gente tentou por 6 meses pra esse segundo bebe e ja era tao dificil eu ver cada mes um teste negativo. Nem quero tentar imaginar como foi pra voces. Mas o Senhor sabe a hora certa de tudo neh? Parabens, Parabens Parabens!!! e soh tem a melhorar. Filhos sao uma benao tao grande na nossa vida.
E eu sei q vc e Justin serao uns papais tao bons!!!!

PS: e vai ter q colcoar fotos da barriga assim q comecar a aparecer neh??

Steph said...

I'm so glad this is out now!! I love you so much. I cannot wait to share my birthday with your little peanut. :)

xoxoxoxoxox from NYC!

MAEH said...

So excited...I'm glad we got to see some pictures!

heidikins said...

Congratulations!! ! I am so happy for you guys! Yaaaay!


CheyAnn said...

CONGRATS SILVIA!! I am so happy for you. And I am so happy you have a blog that I can follow now. Being pregnant is the best. Post some pregnancy pics!!

Christy and Jason said...

So happy for you guys! Very sweet post. Can't wait to here what you are having!

kim said...

congrats justin and silvia!!! i am so happy for you guys and can't wait to meet he or she!

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you two. Ethan and Mckay are going to have so much fun with their new cousins. your home is going to be like a little kinder garden!

ice cream barrels said...

hello little peanut, your parents are rad and you are a lucky little japazilian...hope you are ready to get barreled

sterlingandbrandi said...

Congratulations! We didn't have to do the month by month infertility, just one end-all diagnosis in favor of IVF, but I can sympathize! It's so amazing when anyone gets preggers, but I feel especially happy for those that have been waiting for it!!

Hannhouse said...

WHAT!!!!!! I'm freaking out! Yeah!!! Im so excited for you guys. How great! Miss and love you!!!

RC Cola said...

yeah we are so excited for you. I keep on checking your blog to see if there is ever an announcement like this - yeah!

Kristy said...

Congratulations to you both! It's amazing what can happen when you just relax and not worry. I'm so glad you didn't have to pay that money!