You might not want to be our friends after you see this video. That is just a warning. View at you own discretion. If you do watch this, we need you to do two things. First of all please know that we know we are lame and the video was mainly just to make us laugh at ourselves. Secondly, and more importantly we need you to post a comment and vote for who won the DANCE BATTLE: America vs. Brazil 2008
After a Christmas party, we had our "Friday Date Night". We decided to watch our newly deliver Netflix movie "Honey." Honey (Jessica Alba), is a "tough, sexy dancer from the inner city," becomes a successful music video choreographer, and ultimately decides to pursue her lifelong
dream of opening her own dance studio for inner-city youths falls in love Bla Bla Bla. It's supper predictable. You know how it's going to end after the first five minutes of the movie, but we are lame and any movie or show with dancing in it I like and Silvia loves. We love; So You think you can dance, America Best Dance Crew, Stomp the Yard, Step Up, Step Up 2, How she Moves, Save the Last Dance, Dance with Me, and don't forget Breakin, and Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Anyways after the movie we decided to have a dance off, video taping our ridiculous dance moves. We created a backdrop and got thugged out. It was really funny seeing how we danced. It's like watching the bad outtakes of So You Think You Can Dance.
I am dying from laughter.
that was absolutely amazing.
1. I am so happy that you guys posted this.
2. I am so jealous of your sweet dance moves.
Love you both!!!
p.s. got your christmas card in the mail today :) thanks, and happy holidays!!! have fun in brazil!
Silvia, morri de rir assistindo o video. Mas a verdade eh q vcs dancam muito bem viu? adorei!!! eu tambem tenho netflix e vou ver se peco esse filme tambem.
Glady you didn't vote for the winner of the battle
Bruce McLeod wrote - Great video. I am going to have to vote for Sylvia, she’s got the hip action going strong.
Seriously, you guys are hilarious! Man those moves were killer, nice work! I will have to vote for Brazil thought, sweet hip action!
I vote Brazil. Wait, no she totally lost it at the end. I had fun watching. Good stuff.
Oops sorry for not voting. Here it goes:
Brazil-sweet crumping skills
but my vote goes to America.
Didn't know he could pop lock like that. hahah
vote brazil.
is there really any competition here? brazil all the way.
Some of you can't leave a comment and are casting you vote through email which is fine.
Chris Hann said - I am urinating in my pants right now because I can't stop laughing. I forgot about your 7th grade dance skills. Please don't ever dance like that again. I will end up with a urinary track infection if you don't. Chris
Marina McLeod wrote - Those were some sweet moves. I'd have to give it to Silvia, personality can take you a long way. Your dancing made my day.
Love, Marina
Playa please. Brazil worked it out. It was no Bobby Brown dance party, but not many parties are...
I won't lie, when Fergie performed on So You Think You Can Dance, we DVRed it, learned her routine and performed it for my sister.
We should really be neighbors.
whoa!! you guys are giving "honey" some serious competition. i'm right there w/you guys, love all dance movies! just a couple to add: center stage, and center stage II, dance w/me, etc... how fun you guys are headed to brazil. that's one of my next places i want to go!
Well my holidays are now complete. Those were some really SWEET moves Justin and Silvia. So, I'm going to have to vote for Silvia because of her great outfit and the final moves the last 10 seconds! Gracie has a great "pee pee" dance she is currently working on, I will have to video tape it! You guys are the best, I hope to make it down to see you before you take off for Brazil.
Justin, I'll vote for you. But better then the dancing were the two sweet cruisers in the background. If you ever want a deal on an Electra let me know.
Sick moves...Hot Hot Hot
Ai que droga eu quero tanto ver mas nao ta dando aqui nesse pc. Eu vou mudar de pc soh pra ver hahaha...Olha que engracado, esses dias a gente assistiu Shall we dance e logo depois eu e o Chris ficamos dancando! heheh
Quero ver!!!
Ah! A gente precisa combinar de fazer alguma coisa qdo vcs chegarem...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhahaha agora eu vi!!!!! Que engracado, amei!!! Nao mas ficou super profissional tb, fciou mto da hora! Sabe q eu lembrei agora eu acho que eu e o Chris tb temos um video assim que os doisestao dancando mas eh patetico, nao eh legal que nem o de vcs, a gente tava eh fazendo gracinha pra Jasmine eu acho, sei la! hehehe...
Beijao! amei..
so we leave for less than a week and you guys start going all out?! THIS should be your "christmas news letter"
My vote goes to Justin. Silvia you dance great but I was TOTALLY impressed with Justin's moves
BRAZIL....definitely Brazil.......I am laughing so hard right now! that was hillarious! Seriously, if I get stressed or depressed ever.....I'm gonna flip back and watch that! Funny, funny you guys!
That was awesome! Both dancers were quite impressive, but I'm going to have to say Brazil, very impressive moves! Thanks for keeping us entertained.
um, hands down to Sylvia. She definately used more of the screen. You go girl!
we vote brazil...but you'll have to check out bon qui qui video on u-tube..the last minute shows some similar moves to your pair dancing
glad you guys dropped us a note on our our hijacked blog - kyle abandoned the blogosphere, but we'll keep it alive
you guys are always welcome for a visit - descent surfing (i hear) 2 hours away in wilmington.
That is rad! I LOVE IT! If I am not too late my vote goes to the hot Brazilian!
Love you guys! This makes me miss dancing with you guys real bad. Come visit SF!
Ajay and I watched this and we want to be your friends MORE. You're BOTH great dancers! You guys should take a trip to NY, and get your groove on here.
im so jealous that you guys can dance that well! im so embaresed for you
Oh Justin, you guys are amazing! When are you giving dance lessons and how can we sign up? Surely the contest is over, but Silvia beat you on this one!
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