Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Is Silvia Black?"

Ethan is our 7 year-old nephew who lives right down the way from us here in Santa Cruz. He was watching Opra with with his Mother Marina. Opra was interviewing the first lady, Michelle Obma. Ethan turned to his mom and said, "Sooooo Silvia is black right?"

Ummm no (pause) she is brown." answered Marina trying to make it as simple and as accurate as possible. "Sooo when Silvia and Justin have a baby it will be brown? asked Ethan. "Well.... yeah," replied Marina. Ethan began to laugh saying "So000 Justin will be the only white person in his Family."

Pretty Funny


MAEH said...

Awesome conversation! :) Well, technically your babies could come out white. You never know. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah I gave him the longer more technical version of how our baby could be bown, white, or somewhere in between.

Gladys said...

bahahah. this is hilarious.

LOVE YOU GUYS! I hope your baby is japanese ;)

Baker Family said...

That is soooo funny!!!!

Angie Ora said...


With Silvia as their mother, your children will be beautiful whatever tone they are!

kim said...

o.k., just finished a good laugh. how cute! love the little questions that they come up w/.

EFN Newsletter said...

"mom, what am I again?"

Unknown said...

I love it, love it, love