Monday, February 9, 2009

Weather's forecast: Showers all weekend!

I don't know how I did it but I did! I made a bridal shower in San Francisco and a baby shower in Santa Cruz on the same day!

Drove up to San Francisco the night before Sarah's bridal shower and met up with some girlfriends.

Sarah and I at her bridal shower. 

Here we are at Sarah's bridal shower that started at 10:30 a.m.

Everyone brought a yummy dish.

Here I am at Ana's baby shower that started at 12:00 p.m. Due the long drive I showed up fashionably late.

I gave her a cute cake made out of dippers. 

With this tie-die outfit Ana's baby will fit right in here in Santa Cruz.

1 comment:

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

good thing you were bale to come. you are always the life of the party.

ontem eu e o enxo estvamos em casa sozinhos e ele nao queria jantar. eu falei Enzo o que voce esta esperando e ele disse :a Silvia e o Justin por que eu gosto quando eles vem comer aqui em casa"

ele adora voces. precisamos combinar algo