As I was walking back, a lady asked me if I had a cell phone. Her car had died. I was thinking 'Oh man! We have 30 minutes of light left because we have been driving around so much and now I have to help this lady.' I also had to go pee really bad. I had been holding it in for the last hour and half. I needed to jump in the water so I could go to the bathroom. As the lady was talking to AAA, I decided to just go pee in my wetsuit. So as we are standing there talking, I'm peeing in my wetsuit. About a minute later this yellow stream starts slowly dripping out of both of my booties.
"Don't you have jumper cables?" he asked.
"Ummmm oh yeah," I replied. I had to get in my car with pee filled booties and drive over to her car. We set it up and she asked if I would start her car. So obviously she didn't see that I had peed myself and I wasn't about to say, 'No I better not because I'm soaked with pee right.' So I got in and started it right up. As I got out I could see two wet footprints in her car. Nasty!
To make matters worse we both decided that the break was closing out and we wanted to go back to pleasure point. Unfortunately, Mark has peed in his wetsuit too while waiting for me. We put towels on the seats and floor mats and drove another 10 mins back in our pee saturated wetsuits only to get about 20 minutes of day light.
thanks for that, we gave one of my friends $5 bucks to pee in his shorts (and down his leg) while talking to like five chicks at waimeia bay...almost as funny as yours....
hahaha. too funny.
what a crack up!
ha ha ha. Hey, peeing your pants is Cool.
We laughed so hard reading this we almost peed our pants!
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time while reading something. Classic "Meat Face". You need to tell the story about walking around at night and catching that one couple in the car.
thanks for participating in my contest.
love you guys.
spread the word. spread the love.
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